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Governing Board Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC Chancellor
A radiologic technologist student smiles in a courtyard at Pima's west campus


Radiologic Technology AAS

Pre-入学 Information Sessions

Interested in the Radiologic Technology program? Watch a recorded Radiologic Technology program Information Session. 这些会议提供有关放射技术计划的重要信息. After reviewing the Information Session recording, please contact your Enrollment Advisor or 程序 Advisor for more information.These sessions provide important information about the health programs and careers.

程序 Pre-入学 Requirements

  • 新生和转学生必须完成该计划的入学申请.
  • New students must complete assessment tests for math, reading and writing. 根据学生服务顾问的建议,最近的高中毕业生可以使用多种措施.
  • 从其他地区认可的机构获得的转学最全菠菜导航在经过正式评估之前是无效的 & grades have been posted on PCC transcripts. 官方(盖章)成绩单和学生成绩单评估申请表必须提交给PCC注册办公室.
  • 如果在申请项目时,成绩和/或评估分数没有在PCC成绩单上公布, application requests will be denied.
  • 建议在开始任何HRP核心最全菠菜导航之前完成支持最全菠菜导航.

Applying for Radiologic Technology

This degree program requires a special program application. Please read all of the information on this page carefully.


Competitive 入学s Process and Metric

  • Preparatory coursework must be completed (with grades posted) as described in 程序 Requirements 之前 applying to the program.
  • Once preparatory coursework is complete, students apply online through MyPima under Students, 最全菠菜导航, under Quick Links select West Campus HRP 程序 Application.
  • 完成分数表上显示的某些支持最全菠菜导航可以获得额外的分数.
  • Applicants will be scored using the Radiologic Technology 程序 入学s Scoring Sheet
  • 招生委员会将审查春季和秋季申请人池中的申请人,并在当年11月通知被录取的学生.
  • Radiology accepts 24 students each year to start; however as there are already admitted students on a waitlist to start, 我们每年只能为通过竞争激烈的录取程序申请的学生提供8个席位. The other 16 seats will go to previously accepted students.
  • 这将确保我们能够尊重已经授予候补名单上的学生的入学和开始日期.

New applicants applying


  • 最全菠菜导航的窗口: Jan 1st - Jan 31st
  • Fall Application Window: August 1 thru August 31st

All applications received for that year (in both pools) will be reviewed, and the top 8 candidates will be offered admission in November of that year. The program would begin the following year.

Students who gained admission to the program 之前 2020年8月1日

  • 那些已经申请并在候补名单上有位置的人将保留他们在候补名单上的位置.
  • The new admissions requirements will be enforced starting on 2020年8月1日. The new admissions requirements are listed below under the Competitive 入学s Process and Metric section.
  • Students who are on the waitlist by 2020年8月1日年可以选择通过竞争录取程序重新申请,试图获得竞争录取程序授予的8个席位之一然而,如果他们申请,他们在候补名单上的位置将被取消,他们不能重新获得它. 无论学生的竞争性申请是否被接受,这种罚没都适用.

程序 入学s and Course Information

  • 进入/继续学习放射技术最全菠菜导航所需的疫苗接种: 放射技术项目与需要接种乙型肝炎疫苗(三次系列疫苗)和每年一次流感疫苗的医院和机构合作. 所有注册或进入放射技术最全菠菜导航的学生必须提供接受这些疫苗接种或阳性滴度的文件. 请注意,肝炎疫苗是三次注射,第一次和第二次注射间隔1-2个月,第二次和第三次注射间隔4个月. All students must get these vaccinations and/or titers immediately. 在进入放射技术最全菠菜导航时,没有提供接种疫苗证明或阳性滴度证明的学生必须重新申请该最全菠菜导航. The hospitals and agencies that PCC works with strictly enforce these requirements. 该计划临床部分的额外疫苗接种要求列在本页的下一部分.
  • Watch the Radiologic Technology program information session.
  • 放射技术最全菠菜导航在夏季学期根据临床场地的可用性招收合格的学生.
  • Completion time for the RAD program is based on compass assessment results, and/or completion of support courses.
  • 所有核心最全菠菜导航必须达到C或以上才能进入下学期.
  • RAD计划包括六个学期的核心最全菠菜导航,需要两年的承诺.
  • RAD program curriculum is offered only on a full-time basis at PCC West Campus.
  • 亚利桑那州卫生服务部要求1800个临床教育小时.
  • Clinical assignments are Monday through Sunday, 根据一些临床教育中心的要求完成晚上和周末的任务. Clinical 教育 Centers may require additional fees.
  • Classroom instruction for RAD classes is only offered during the day time.

To participate in the clinical portion of the program, students must:

  • 提供并维护亚利桑那州公共安全部门指纹卡.
  • Pass an annual urine toxicology screening exam.
  • 能够在项目的临床部分进行一些身体活动. 至少, students will be required to lift patients, stand for several hours at a time and perform bending activities. Students need to be tall enough to reach x-ray camera. 临床放射技术最全菠菜导航也让学生承受相当大的精神和情绪压力,因为他们承担影响患者生活的责任和义务. 学生必须能够在压力条件下表现出理性和适当的行为. 个人在提出申请前,应仔细考虑该计划的精神和身体要求.
  • 提供自己的交通工具到图森和绿谷地区的各种临床设施.
  • Present proof of immunization and/or immunity for MMR/Varicella/TDaP.
  • Obtain an annual flu shot.
  • Show proof of negative initial two-step skin test (PPD) or if previous positive results, a TB Questionnaire or negative QuantiFERON TB Gold assay test or Latent TB Infection (LTBI) card with negative chest x-ray. Test is valid for 12 months from the date of administration. If the test expires within an academic semester the student must be re-tested.
  • 临床轮岗在图森和绿谷地区的各种临床设施进行.
  • 在整个项目中保持健康保险和当前的CPR卡在医疗保健提供者级别.

Important Information on Licensure

学生应该知道,亚利桑那州卫生服务部(ADHS)和美国放射技术登记处(ARRT)要求申请人承认任何轻罪或重罪定罪. An investigative process must be completed 之前 a license is issued. 有轻罪或重罪定罪的学生必须在ARRT网站上填写一份预申请表格. Students not cleared through this process will be ineligible to take the ARRT, national certification exam.

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